
Friday, April 6, 2012


As I’ve mentioned in my profile, I am the mother of five fabulous fur kids. Frankie is the baby of our family, though he’s the fourth one adopted. He’s two, almost two and a half, years old, and we’ve had him since he was about seven weeks old. We adopted Frankie as a result of a Facebook post; someone posted that someone was looking for a home for a kitten they’d found. I got in touch with the person, and we ended up adopting Frankie.

Frankie is definitely our most adventuresome and curious cat. He is interested in literally everything! He loves to chase the laser light, play with his siblings, climb on top of things (including the shower doors) and explore everything. He is especially fascinated by the shower drain and the washing machine. I don’t think he knows that most cats don’t like water.

Frankie is one of the most interesting cats I’ve ever known. He’s also extremely friendly toward people. We think this is at least partially due to the fact that he was bottle fed before we adopted him. He’s just very friendly, and doesn’t mind being carried around, or held and rocked like a baby.

In case you’re wondering, it’s the camera case that Frankie is attacking in the picture. I do have pictures (usually taken just after he wakes up) of him just sitting still, but I don’t feel like they capture the real Frankie. The real Frankie is a cat who attacks camera cases. He’s also a cat who will play until he’s panting and curl up next to you to go to sleep, and then leap up and on to the next adventure.

Life with Frankie is definitely an adventure; we never know what he’s going to do next, or what is going to grab his attention, and that’s just part of what we love about him.


  1. Aw he's adorable! He sounds like quite the character too. Our "baby" was a bottle kitten too. There's definitely something special about them :)

    1. He's our first bottle baby, and he really is just special. I had no idea before him.

  2. He looks adorable. You can see the mischief in his eyes :-)


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