
Monday, January 27, 2025

Meet Theodore

We have a new family member to introduce.  This is Theodore.

He’s about five and a half months old.  We got him back in November.

Over the summer, our vet had two litters of stray kittens born under her porch.  The first litter was in the early summer, and the mom disappeared before Dr. D. could catch her.  She showed back up with another litter, which was the one Theodore was part of.

Dr. D. managed to catch the mom when Theodore’s litter was still pretty young.  She has since been spayed, and Dr. D. has kept her. 

Each litter had five kittens, and Dr. D. wasn’t about to drop them off at a shelter during kitten season, or when the local shelters were struggling after Hurricane Helene, so she adopted them out through her office. 

The kittens from the first litter were adopted fairly quickly, but the kittens from Theodore’s litter took a little longer, so Dr. D. agreed that her office would cover their first year of medical care.  That makes it much harder to resist a sweet little kitten! 

I was at the vet with Tara and saw the sign about the medical care and the descriptions of the remaining kittens.  Of course, I asked to meet the orange male.  I had been without an orange kitty for over a year at that point. 

I was a goner as soon as I held Theodore.  He purred and cuddled up to me right away. 

It took a tiny bit longer to convince Nick.  Ultimately, we decided that even though it had been a horrible year, and we were still in the middle of dealing with hurricane damage, Theodore could be the one bright spot in the year. 

Theodore has absolutely been a bright spot.  He’s extremely friendly and outgoing.  He’s positive that anyone coming to the house is here to see him. 

All of the big kitties have warmed up to Theodore to varying degrees.  Charlie and Theodore have become cuddle and nap buddies. 

I’m hoping to get back to a somewhat regular blogging schedule, so there should be a lot more Theodore pictures coming soon.  


  1. So handsome!! I have a special place in my heart for orange kitties, too.

    1. I love all cats, but there's just something extra special about the orange ones.

  2. We had an orange cat once named Teddy, short for Theodora. She also came from a litter of kittens under a friend's house. They put out a bowl of milk and Teddy was the only one who didn't run away when we tried to catch them. Thus, she became our cat. And a good one she was.

    1. And I love the pictures of Theodore, especially with Charlie.

    2. Orange girls are pretty rare! We've fostered one female orange, but haven't had one of our own. Yet.

  3. Aww, he’s a cutie and I love his name!

  4. Welcome, Theodore. Did he come with that name, or did you name him?

    1. He wasn't named. We were trying to decide between two other names, and my sister suggested Theodore, and it just seemed perfect for him.

  5. He is a beauty. A great addition! He’s won every one over and it’s no wonder!

    1. Yeah, it wasn't hard for him to get everyone to love him.

  6. Hooray! Theodore sure is cute and we're so happy you found each other. Best family ever! XO

  7. Congratulations! What a sweetheart -- Theodore is adorable (Mr. Theodorable!). I think you're right -- a bright spot in a very hard year. I'm glad the others are adjusting well. And you can't beat an orange boy!

  8. Thanks! I like Mr. Theodorable! That may get added to his nicknames. The orange guys really are special.

  9. Oh my goodness, the curiosity is palpable in that first video, and that little bundle of purriness in the second one is priceless.


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