
Sunday, April 14, 2024

How About A Sunday Sixteen?

I meant to do a Thursday Thirteen, but my day got away from me.  So, how about a Sunday Sixteen?  I have lots of little things that aren’t enough for their own post.

1.    The azaleas are blooming! 

2.    Here’s a close-up of one of these.

3.    The white azaleas are blooming, too.

4.    Here’s a close-up of the white ones.  I love the pink stripe.

5.    And here’s the bright pink azalea bush.

6.    And a close-up.  These are smaller flowers that are almost in little clusters.

7.    We’ve had a lot of rain (fortunately, the crawl space has stayed dry), so here’s a picture of some water droplets.

8.    And one more picture of water droplets.

9.    One of the peonies is blooming.

10.   I thought this moss was pretty.  I love all of the different shapes and shades of green.

11. The azalea on the side near the neighbor’s chicken coop is also blooming.

12. Speaking of chickens, here’s a video of the free-range chickens enjoying some cornbread.  They’re all about the carbs. 

13.  The lilac bush is just starting to bloom. 

14. I have finally learned to crochet butterflies.

15. Here are two more butterflies.

16.   I crocheted purses for the neighbor girls.  One of them likes pink and teal and the other likes purple.  I see a lot of mistakes, but they seemed happy with their purses. 


What have you been up to lately?