
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Twenty-Three Pictures for the End of 2023

I decided to do a wrap-up post for the year by sharing twenty-three pictures from the year.  In looking through pictures for this post, I realized that I didn’t take very many pictures this year.  I can’t remember the last time I had so few pictures for a year.  That’s something to work on in 2024.

These are a mix of cellphone and camera pictures.  I’m sharing some of them because I think they’re really good pictures, some because they’re something important from the year, and some because they’re special now.

Let’s start with some pictures of flowers.  Because I always take lots of pictures of flowers.  

The crocheted cat couch that I made for Gabby and Amy is the biggest crochet project I’ve ever finished, so that was a highlight from the year. 

It’s Dobby-approved.


The Carl Sandburg Home. 

I’m glad I took pictures of Howard and Frankie cuddling together.

I befriended the free-range chickens.  Can you believe they used to run from me?  Now, I half-way expect them to follow me into the house one day.

Kiawah Island, SC.  

More flowers.  Always.  


View of the Ravenel Bridge from Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, SC. 

 Mortimer and Charlie.

Colonial Dorchester, SC.


Angel Oak, Johns Island, SC.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

We Had a Very Laid-Back Christmas

Christmas this year was very laid back, which was nice.  We left on Saturday to go to my sister’s (Gabby) and her girlfriend (Amy) house.  It was mostly just the four of us.  Amy’s brother, Jason, came over on Christmas Day.  It was the first time we met him, and he was very nice.  He’s a pet person, too. 

We left a little later than we originally planned to on Saturday morning.  Our friends Cathey and John have been dealing with a lot.  He has Alzheimer’s and recently went into a care facility.  Unfortunately, he was in the hospital with COVID and pneumonia over Christmas.  Cathey was exposed, so was in quarantine.  We stopped to get Cathey some flowers and a little grocery store care package (orange juice, Christmas cupcakes, hot chocolate mix, tea, and some canned soup) and dropped it all off on her porch.  The good news is that John recovered well from COVID and pneumonia, and Cathey didn’t get sick.

Despite leaving a little later than we planned, traffic on the way to Gabby and Amy’s wasn’t bad.  We took a different route this year due to road construction, and it was a good choice. 

Gabby likes to cook as much as I do, so we had tons of food.  She made a chocolate and strawberry cake for Nick’s birthday on Christmas Eve.  She also made cookies, several different kinds of soup, pistachio cake, and cheese grits.  We ate well!  I forgot to take any food pictures, though. 

We got to pet six of their eight cats.  Their cat Severus slept with us two of the three nights we were there.  Doesn’t he look like such a distinguished gentleman in this picture? 

Severus is a relatively calm cat, so they’re able to put hats on them.  I think he’s adorable in his hat.

Here’s a picture of Binx enjoying the couch I crocheted.

This is Kreacher.  He’s normally a little stand-offish with us, but we both got to pet him quite a bit on this trip.

The four of us agreed early this year that we wouldn’t do birthday or Christmas presents for each other this year.  We’ve all been dealing with pets having a lot of health issues, which has been expensive and stressful.  So, we decided it would be much easier if we all skipped presents for each other this year.  It definitely helped with the laid-back vibe. We did watch Arthur Christmas as usual.  It’s just such a happy movie. 

Nick and I were talking about it on the drive there.  We both like that some years there are so many presents, some years we skip them entirely, and some years are somewhere in between.  I’m not sure that any of those would be great every year, but I like that we get to do them all, depending on the year.  I guess that’s one good thing about growing up not celebrating any holidays; I’m not locked into a lot of traditions.

Speaking of traditions, though, I did get to fulfill a life-long wish.  I loved Barbies when I was a kid.  They were my absolute favorite toys, and I especially loved the ones in the fancy ballgowns.  I always wanted the holiday Barbies but was never allowed to have them since they were for the holidays.  I didn’t know the ornaments existed, but I absolutely loved the gowns the holiday Barbies had and was always disappointed that I couldn’t have one.  I kind of forgot about the holiday Barbies by the time I grew up and started celebrating Christmas. 

Amy was never into Barbies, but her great-aunt gave her a holiday Barbie ornament every year until she passed away in the early 2000s.  The ornaments are special to Amy because they came from her great-aunt.  This is also Amy’s busy time of year at work, so she never got around to putting the Barbie ornaments up.  They had a little tree in the living room that was going to be the Barbie tree.

The Barbie ornaments still weren’t up by Christmas Eve, but Amy knew that Jason would be happy to see them when he came over on Christmas.  So Gabby and Amy decided that I could be in charge of the Barbie tree.  I had so much fun!  As Gabby put it, I was in the corner with the little Christmas tree, living my best life with lots of Barbie ornaments.  I kind of feel like I did get a Christmas present.

Isn’t the Barbie tree cute? 

Here are a few of the ones I really liked.

I ordered the 2023 Holiday Barbie ornament that night.  I’m planning to get the Barbie ornament every year now.

Our wonderful neighbors took care of the cats for us while we were gone.  It’s so nice that they take care of them because they don’t just feed them and give them their medicine.  They spend time petting them and playing with them, and they always send us pictures. 




How was your Christmas?  Were there lots of activities, or was this a more laid-back year for you? 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

I’ve loved that so many bloggers have been sharing their Christmas and holiday trees and decorations this week, so I thought I would join in.

Let’s start outside and work our way in.

First up is our inflatable sloth in a Christmas sweater.  Nick loves sloths, so we’ve added some sloths to our Christmas decorations.  This one is named Stuart.  Apparently, not everyone immediately recognizes Stuart as a sloth.  When I posted his picture on Facebook, my aunt messaged me asking if we really had a drunk raccoon inflatable.  No drunk raccoons here.

I know inflatables can be somewhat polarizing; people seem to love them or hate them, with no middle ground.  I love them.  I think they’re fun and cheery. 

Next up is the Christmas flag.

Then, the wreaths, matching wreaths on the front door and carport door.

Inside the house, we have the Christmas tree with lots of ornaments

The house we were renting when we bought the tree had a huge living room, so it’s a little big for our much smaller living room here.  I really don’t care.  It’s the only Christmas tree I’ve ever had, and I love it.

Nick loves sloths, so we added a sloth ornament this year.

We bought this ornament at an antique store when we were first looking for a house.

I’m a huge Friends fan, so we have some Friends ornaments. 

I put off buying a dumpster fire ornament until this year, but after a few dumpster fire years, I gave in and bought one.  It’s not year-specific, so it will work for any dumpster fire year.

Nick’s mom, Susan, gave me this book lover’s ornament last year.  I love it.

This one is self-explanatory.

Since we met on E-harmony, I was happy when I found this.

Nick gave me this butterfly ornament our first Christmas together.  It was also my first Christmas ornament.  It’s one of my favorites.

I love this cute little gingerbread house ornament.

Our friend Martha gave us this ornament the first Christmas after we were married. 

Our friend Alex gave us this one.  I call it the Thanksgiving ornament, so you know I like it.

The tree skirt has sloths.

Before we move on from the tree, 2023 isn’t the year Caroline stops climbing the Christmas tree.  

It’s a good thing she’s cute!

Moving on from the tree, we have a Winter Solstice candle this year.

And a Yule log candle holder.

One more winter candle holder.

I think this pink gingerbread house is adorable.  (The shelf isn’t dusty; I promise it’s glitter!)

I found this little winter house on Etsy and thought it was so cute.

Finally, we have the Christmas decoration my old coworker EJ gave me for Secret Santa several years ago.  The skiers move down the slope.  It was a great Secret Santa present.

I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a joy-filled time in whatever your chosen celebrations are.