
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Time Flies Even If You’re Not Having Fun

 They say time flies when you’re having fun, but I think 2020 is proving that time just flies.  It certainly hasn’t been fun, but at least it seems to be going by quickly.  It has been almost two months since my last post, but it seems like it went by in a blur. 

I’m still working from home.  I did get to go into the office for two days during the past week, which I was absolutely thrilled about.  Beyond that, we’re still being told to work from home until we’re told otherwise.  

Nick and I are still staying home as much as possible.  Social distancing and mask wearing just aren’t happening in our area, so we’re choosing to avoid situations where we can’t be sure that social distancing and the mask mandate will be enforced.   

It’s starting to feel like fall, which is very different from this time last year.  One of our local weather forecasters posted on Facebook that in September of 2019, we had twenty days of 90 degree or higher temperatures.  This year there only three days of 90 degree or higher temperatures in September.  

We’ve been enjoying the cooler weather.  We’ve had the windows open for over a week now, and we’ve been eating outside fairly often.  I clipped some of the roses that are blooming and put them in a vase on the table outside.  I love having cut flowers around, but we can’t have them inside because the cats will destroy them.  It’s nice to be able to have them on the outside table.

I’ve switched to fall themed cards and stickers for my chemo and senior buddies.  I think the plaid pumpkins are very cute.  

So what about you?  What have you been up to during the past two months?  Does it feel like fall where you are?