
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

“The Little, Nameless, Unremebered Acts of Kindness and Love”

A friend recently posted this Wordsworth quote on Facebook, and talked about how she had noticed a lot of small, generous actions lately, and how they made the world a little brighter.

I wasn’t familiar with the quote, so I looked it up. 

“The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.”  William Wordsworth.

The comments on the Facebook post talked about how true goodness lies in the small, selfless acts of kindness that happen every day. 

I love the quote, and some of the comments were thought provoking.  It’s so easy to get hung up on the big picture, and to feel like the small things are insignificant to the point of being meaningless. 

But the small acts do matter.  Whether it’s sharing an umbrella, giving someone a genuine compliment, or holding the elevator for someone.  We all have those days where it seems like nothing we do is right, and everything goes wrong.  Doesn’t it help when someone is unexpectedly kind?  Even if it’s a tiny little thing.  You never know who else is having one of those days, and how much a small thing that seems insignificant to you may mean to them. 

I don’t really have a picture to go with this, and you know that typically means I share a cat picture, so here’s one of Mortimer looking especially cute. 

Have you seen or benefited from any little acts lately?